
Staying Healthy in South Lansing

New Ideas for You and Your Family to Move and Thrive in South Lansing-Holt-Mason

By Jacklyn Green January 1, 2022

I ran a poll on our Instagram page about New Year's Resolutions, and 67% of you make them. Of those people, EVERYONE had a resolution about getting fit, toned, healthy, losing weight or otherwise. First of all, I just want to say that you're all beautiful just as you are, whatever shape your body is. Second of all, since you're all looking for them, I've got ideas for you on how to make this your best year yet in South Lansing-Marshall-Mason. So, without further ado, Happy New Year to you, and may you find a new way to feel healthy in the South Lansing area below.
Get Outside

There are many great benefits to getting outside for both children and grown-ups, and mid-Michigan has so much to offer in terms of nature trails and parks. Make it a challenge for your family to visit every county park in your area. You could do a nature scavenger hunt or simply take a walk on the trail and pack a picnic, or just bring some granola bars. Eaton County has 10 county parks for you to explore, Jackson County has 17, Ingham County has nine parks (including the Soldan Dog Park), and Calhoun County has five parks. Depending on which you choose, you could visit them in each season throughout the year, or just map out dates in your planner and make walking on the trails a regular activity for your family this year. It's free, and you'll be moving your body. If you'd like a free printable to track how many hours you get outside, there's a website called 1000 Hours Outside that offers a coloring page for the children to mark off each time spent outdoors.

Another idea to keep you moving outside and to keep your children engaged as you explore Eaton, Jackson, Ingham or Calhoun County Parks is to find the biggest tree in the area. I'm not kidding, there is actually a Big Tree Hunt Contest in celebration of trees taking place this year in Michigan. All you have to do is make sure to pack a long piece of yarn to measure the tree with (around the trunk), take three pictures (these are specific so please check the website for description details) and when you get home measure the yarn and enter the tree location by mail or online before August 19, 2022. If the tree you found is the largest in the county or in Michigan, your family could win prizes!

Declutter Your Space

One way to lose some physical weight is to let go of some of your stuff that might be weighing you down, and donate it to someone who it may benefit. The act of going through your things and moving them out of your home will burn calories, and your heart will benefit knowing that the blender still in the box in your basement is actually going to be used by someone who really loves to make smoothies and can't afford to buy a brand new one. In Eaton County, a great place to donate gently used items in Charlotte, MI is Eaton Community Palliative Care Thrift Store. Eaton Community Palliative Care is an organization that provides 24 hour care for the terminally ill in a residential setting. All proceeds from their thrift store sales help to cover operating expenses. They are not open on Mondays, so make a plan for another day, and donations are only accepted during business hours.

A second idea to clear clutter is to attack your cupboards. Going through your pantry and clearing it out for a fresh start is great way to start the New Year in a healthy frame of mind. You could completely gut it and start fresh, or just think about the meals that you want to make in the next few weeks and send whatever doesn't fit in that meal plan on its way. The food you no longer need can be donated to a local little food pantry (in Eaton Rapids there are little outdoor food pantries located on Main Street and State Street that food can be placed in at any time) or if you're emptying the entire cupboard you could make an appointment with the Mason Food Bank to drop off those items.

Commit to a Club

I'm not talking about a fitness club, though we'll get to those options in a moment. Instead, let's talk about participating in a Trivia Night, like at Bad Brewing in Mason on Thursday nights. Get a babysitter and a couple of mom friends or other parents to join you, and have some fun. Tension relief is said to be one of the main reasons we eat that pint of ice cream or lay on the couch watching a screen for hours. Let's find some other ways to commit to releasing that tension and have some fun in the South Lansing-Marshall area. If trivia isn't your thing, you could head to Albion Malleable Brewing Company on Monday Nights and listen to live music. You could also join a book club through your local community library, or a community read like New Story Community Books in Marshall. This bookstore in Calhoun County also has a great children's section, so bring the kids when you go to get your copy for the reading and also check out the great Used Book deals.

Figure out what you like to do for fun, and find it near you! If you need more ideas, send me an email at and I'm happy to help you come up with some!

Find a Fitness Group

There are so many great opportunities for fitness In South Lansing-Marshall-Mason. If you're looking for an actual class or group to join, here's some ideas that you may not have considered:

Try something new and work out with animals. Esham Family Farm in Albion has Goat Yoga classes and you can pick up eggs and veggies while you are there. If your children are 7 or older, they can attend with you! If animals aren't your thing, you could sign up for an aquatic class, or take the family to an open swim at Charlotte Aquatic Center or Mason Aquatic Center. Burn calories as the kids burn off their own energy jumping in and out of the pool. In South Lansing you can find fitness at Fountain of Wellness with Cardio Drumming, as well as nutritional support. They are offering a cash payout in their challenge for January, if money is a motivator for you. If you like CrossFit, join LiveLong CrossFit in Mason or Mid Mitten CrossFit (with options for kids ages 6-12) in South Lansing. Looking for a trainer? Consider Redemption Fitness in Holt for the full package. Need childcare? There will be some coming to the Oakpark YMCA soon! In the meantime, they also offer virtual classes, so you could get the family in on the workout from home. Want to bring the little ones but also want your own workout? Try Rollers and Strollers on Saturdays at EDRU.

There are lots of ways to find healthy living for your family in 2022 in South Lansing-Marshall-Mason, and throughout Michigan. If you have other ideas, I want to know about them! Please contact me on Facebook or Instagram. And don't forget to Subscribe to the newsletter if you haven't already, please! I'll be sending more ideas there.
Thank you for your support as we start off the New Year.

If you are a business that has advertising needs, I would love to discuss them with you and see how I can help. You can email me at or contact me at the above social media links. Happy (and healthy) New Year!